My thoughts on “Truth”

How does your mind work? I’m not asking this in a broad sense, I’m asking you personally. How does your mind work? This question has no short simple answer. First of all, the general nature of this question provides little direction as to my intention of asking it. So far, with just the information you have, you could only move toward an answer based on your priority structure. Without additional influence from me, which would come via a more precise set of ingredients as additional details, you have only the description that your own thoughts would generate. Some of you would assume a scientific answer was my intent. Many of you will only consider the mind as a determination of intellect. Others would quickly go toward an emotional or spiritual answer. Some would require “proven” technical data as a foundation to answer how the (your) mind functions, while others of you would be intrigued by a belief regardless of any “scientific fact”. Well guess what?…. You’re all correct.         Actually, there are no wrong answers, there is only your answer. I will say this however; the mind is much more than just a singular ingredient of purpose. The mind is the common place of interactivity between the exterior world of all the recognizable through our physical senses and the immense energies that encompass the all of everything beyond a human comprehensible understanding. The mind connects the known with the unknown. Or, a more personal description might be, a connection of the heart and brain.

Consider these examples of belief or tangible proof?             I am going to assume that nearly all of you have at least heard of the concept of “witching” for water. This is when an individual uses a pair of stiff wires or a tree branch of their choice and basically walks along slowly until the object in their hands moves in a certain way. With the objects movement, the finding of water at some level is determined to be at that point below ground. To my knowledge there is not any accepted scientific explanation for this phenomenon. With only this information, how many of you accept this concept as fact?

What about the concept of psychic abilities? There are those who use various methods to realize or “see” things about others they do not personally know. In many cases this process is determined to have a certain level of futuristic awareness toward events and / or people. Again, to my knowledge there is not any accepted scientific explanation for this phenomenon. With only this information, how many of you accept this concept as fact?

Now I would like to introduce a specific word into the equation of, what determines something as fact?      Truth.      With this, I have another question for all of you…… Is there any such thing as truth?     Wow! I can feel many of you yelling your own list of proclaimed definite absolute answers to this last question. At this point some of you might think I’m playing some sort of word game, and, maybe I am in a sense, but my intent is very sincere. Now allow me to alter the “buzz word” (truth) in this discussion as a means to expand my message. What does the suggestion of “Perceived Truth” mean to you?      In actual reality, it is only this type of truth that is absolute in the human condition. We each have our own personally perceived truths that are completely based on our individual model of the world around us. Like fingerprints or DNA, no two people will have identical versions of a world model that they both perceive as complete and total truth. It is simply not possible from a mathematical perspective. Every second of each day we individually gather an on-going and unlimited array of data entries from our physical world and we each process all of this in our own unique way. This massive amount of information along with all of our individual emotional connections and processes that are beyond the world of physical view create our personal model of the world as we each decide it is to us. With this understanding, the definition of “perceived truth” is the only rational outcome to our search for what is real. It is my strong belief that the identification of what is “real” and what is perceived through “illusion” is extremely abstract to all of us.

It is very naïve to suggest that all human beings operate under a small and certain set of common ultimate truths. The two examples above, revealing water witching and psychic abilities are only a couple of very basic concepts that give us an idea of our many disagreements toward what represents truth. For those of you who insist that “Ultimate Truth” is only based on physically proven acceptance, you have only to examine the history of human beliefs to realize that the  “physically proven” concept is temporary and continually changing. Likewise, for those of you who insist that “Ultimate Truth” is only found within a particular belief structure of any religious diagram, you have only to examine the disagreement contained within the protocol of the many different versions. Within the confines of the human ability to comprehend, the awareness of ultimate truth is unavailable in our construction. This is necessary to achieve the “experiences” of a physical existence. It is only within our quests to proceed and learn and experience that we find motivation to remain in tact as a physical species. Should the human being ever actually know all that is, while in physical form, the product of a physical being would cease. In fact, I believe the irony speaks for itself in this regard.

        Within the human makeup, the only actual ultimate truth is indeed that the same is nonexistent.

     We all tend to throw around our use of the word “truth” quite a bit. What we are actually doing is applying our personal or group meanings in a figurative sense as we proclaim our version(s) of what is true in general. In reality, the only means in which we can use a literal sense of the word is when we are proclaiming a personally “perceived” truth. It is only in this regard that we each can insist what represents a truth. Beyond our own individual conscious awareness, all other versions of what is true are hearsay and speculation. To achieve a general cohesiveness within a group or society, an overall acceptance of a broad spectrum of “truths” are established and somewhat necessary. These types of guidelines do not represent any actual truths toward ultimate reality, but rather signify a common acceptance of a general direction within those boundaries. Again, when considering the cohesive needs of a common community, a list of reasonable and willingly accepted general truths are valuable.

However, when examining the real truth of the matter, the ultimate importance is found within your own presence of mind.